888-WYTECH1 • 888-998-3241


WY Email Security Solutions

“It has been estimated that 95% of all email is spam. Block spam and viruses before they hit your network.”

A common misunderstanding regarding spam prevention is that anti spam software is at the top of the list of choices. Although there are many companies that continue to utilize this technology, it is typically the last on the list of recommended solutions. Keeping this technology running “in house”, requires additional hardware with the software, and results in server resources becoming overwhelmed, thus slowing down production and increasing the amount of time required to manage your network.

WY Technology’s Email Security Solution, helps keep your email free from spam, viruses, phishing, and other email threats. This provides scalability and convenience that you can get only from a hosted service, and blocks spam and other threats well before they reach your enterprise. Unlike legacy products, it requires no hardware or software to install and maintain, thus greatly reducing your IT resource requirements and costs.

Additionally, our customers have an option to include the “email continuity” service. Should your network go down, email will be stored on the redundant, secure servers. Once your network is back online, you’ll automatically start receiving your stored email. Also included in this feature, is the ability to have full access to receive and send emails if your mail server should go offline. This can be done on a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device. This speaks volumes with respect to the overall value of this solution, as opposed to the potential headaches, email loss, time, and dollars when using other various services. Always-on and always-current, the service proactively stops message-based spam, viruses, malware and other threats before they get inside your organization.
With a web-based management console, your administrators can quickly and easily manage security policies and controls by organization, group and users. The intuitive console also provides for dynamic policy modifications for multiple protocols, allows monitoring and alerting, and delivers comprehensive reporting for administrators. WY Technology’s customers enrolled in our Fixed Rate Program may be eligible to receive a free trial for all users.

Contact us today for your new Email Security Solution, or feel free to submit your request via the ESS Signup Form.

Additional specifications:

Complete spam and virus protection
• Comprehensive message security to stop spam, viruses, phishing, denial of service (DoS), directory harvest attacks (DHA), and other email attacks

• Zero-hour anti-virus protection with multi-layered protection, including heuristic and signature-based detection

• Extensive and detailed quarantine summary reporting to end users through a convenient web console

Real-time processing with scale and reliability

• Patented real-time, pass-through architecture ensures that there are no delays, message loss or disruptions to email service, regardless of how high spam volumes climb

• 99.999% availability for message processing and capacity to handle billions of transactions a day

• Policy enforced domain to domain messaging encryption using standard SSL or TLS protocols

• SSAE 18 Type II certified and WebTrust seal validates stringent standards for physical and operational security, assuring the safety of your communications

• Manage communication policies for message attachments and content

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