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IT Audit and Assurance

Many businesses in a growing area of industries are now faced with the pressures of increased oversight, in order to comply with ever growing regulatory changes focused on addressing potential risks to their organization. The continual task of managing IT risk and compliance, while keeping their budgets balanced can be a daunting one. Not enough focus on risk detection and mitigation can result in damaged reputation, as well as a loss of business valuation and customer confidence. Whether auditing process, product or system, WY’s approach is customized for each customer for the nature of their business, industry of operation, scope of the engagement, adequacy of system of controls, and level of ownership. Some businesses may have solid knowledge, documentation and implementation of internal processes and just require another set of eyes that perform auditing every day to help them stay proactive in their continued efforts in risk management. Other customers may struggle with understanding what their business processes are either verbal or written, and not have the experience to know what requirements need to be incorporated into their internal controls. Others may have things well documented, but struggle with adoption levels and also requiring support to know which processes make sense to utilize technology to automate.

Whatever circumstance your business may currently be in, WY Technology can assist in making an immediate impact. WY has been providing IT audit and assurance solutions for most major industries since 2002, of which include HITRUST, HIPAA, NIST, SAS70, SSAE 16, SSAE 18, SOC I, II and III, ISAE 3402, PCI-DSS, GDPR and others.

Contact WY Technology today, and with a single communication with us feel the confidence that you have found the right partner to protect your organization and bring you piece of mind.

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